Thursday, May 29, 2008

Winter would not let go...

Ms. Muse and I hadn't seen Demeter for quite awhile so we were going to surprise her the other morning with coffee and bagels.

Spring was a long time coming this year as Winter held on to its last long death rattling breath. Just what were we thinking??????????? Why we would have found her in her kitchen was beyond us. Of course she was out in the fields planting her crop of wheat.

We met her on the back 40 and she stopped plowing when she saw us. We had a morning picnic sitting in the fresh turned earth, and enjoyed each others company for the hour, sipping coffee and nibbling on the bagels.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

She was held against her will....

We watched the news avidly looking for some answers, but none came. Ms. Muse and I were beside ourselves as they held our dear friend Libertaria the goddess of Freedom as a hostage for several weeks now.

The last communication was over a week ago and we feared for her life. What would humanity succumb to if she died?

She Needs Some Sunlight

Aega was the Harlequin Sun Goddess but her reign did not last very long because she was the daughter of the sun god Helios, she was hidden away during the attack of the Titans so that the enemy wouldn’t compromise her loveliness.
Ms. Muse, found her wandering the garden in circles. She had gone quite raving mad from being locked away in a cold, dang underground room for so many years. But since Ms. Muse knew her circumstances, she took pity on her and made sure she went out to the garden every day to help get some color back into her pale cheeks.

About Me

Artist Statement: As an alternative sugar artist, it is my intent to surprise and delight my audience with sculptures that depart from everyday boundaries, thus creating rich dialogue around objects of edible art.