Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Getting ready for another show

Yesterday I delivered my Cake of Soap to the Altered Esthetics gallery for the upcoming show “Art for Other Senses”. I created a cake based on an antique box of Ivory soap working with a play on words. This show really intrigued me and even though it was actually my first application for submission to a call for artists’ entries it was my third piece in an artist show.

The whole system fascinates me. The show I had my Ninygo Artist Doll in Mora last November was a juried show, meaning there were show awards but was open to all artists. This show with my Cake of Soap is a selected show, meaning the gallery had to select my work. The show with my Sacred Heart is a selected/juried show, meaning my piece was submitted and selected for the show and the show also had awards. Whew!

For my Cake of Soap, I created an actual cake sketch and photographed it and was thrilled when I was selected for the show about a month ago, prior to my submission and subsequent opening of the Sacred Heart Sugar Sculpture for the Christian Art Festival last week. On the artist “Call for Entries” The gallery printed,

A familiar smell can trigger stronger memories than a picture. Our fingers can sense tiny details our eyes cannot always see. Music and sound have been said to reach the deepest parts of the soul. And yet, most noted artworks address primarily a visual aesthetic. Altered Esthetics would like you think outside the visual box and join us as we hold a truly unique and innovative exhibition, "Art for Other Senses."

The "Art for Other Senses" exhibition will focus on interactive artwork developed not around sight, but around smell, touch, taste, and sound. Special features of this exhibit include art you are encouraged to touch and art you can smell, “Art of Coffee” and “Art of Wine” cuppings and tastings and a variety of music and sound studies!

I thought sugar art was particularly well suited for Art for Other Senses and especially a cake.

For some reason, I have gotten very bold and thought why stop there? Why waste your education? Your have found a medium that is truly sensuous and fascinating at the same time. So, I have researched several possible avenues to show my work and will be very busy with upcoming deadlines.

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About Me

Artist Statement: As an alternative sugar artist, it is my intent to surprise and delight my audience with sculptures that depart from everyday boundaries, thus creating rich dialogue around objects of edible art.